Resolution of Death, A Humble Man and Servant, Mr. Billy E. Gardenhight, Sr.


“For everyone who exalts himself, will be humbled, and he who would humble himself will be exalted” ……Luke 14:11

Whereas, Mr. Billy E. Gardenhight, Sr. passed from this life on November 19, 2021,

Whereas, it has pleased Almighty God to take unto Himself our brother Mr. Billy E. Gardenhight, Sr., too soon by our measure but in the providence of the All-knowing, Divine, and

Whereas, in God's holy wisdom, He has called home Mr. Billy E. Gardenhight, Sr. to dwell with him in Paradise, the officers and members of Skyview Golf Association, offer their sincere condolences to the family. Your sorrow is our sorrow; your loss is magnified by the loss of a dear friend and brother,

Whereas, Mr. Billy E. Gardenhight, Sr. served Skyview Golf Association each and every day and especially during the planning of tournaments and executing his duty as President, and Tournament Director for over 60 years

Whereas, Mr. Gardenhight shared love and knowledge of the game of golf with many, near, and far his gentle and patient nature always withstanding 

Whereas, each of us have been blessed by the presence of Mr. Gardenhight, in our lives

Therefore, be it resolved that we embrace this bereaved family, as our own

And therefore, be it resolved that the circle has been broken in our community of Golf,

Be it further resolved, that whenever we think of golf, or play 9 holes, we will always think and hold dear the memory of Mr. Billy E. Gardenhight, Sr.

"And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away."  ….. Revelations 21:4

Respectfully submitted on this 24th day of November, in the year of our Lord and Savior 2021

Officers and Members of the Skyview Golf Association, Inc.